This blog post is for all the copywriters out there.
Sometimes we do not feel the passion for writing a good copy. If we do not write with passion then the copy becomes average and average means bad. Because it will not convert according to your and your client’s expectations.
But what exactly is writing with passion? When you write with passion, your reader will feel it. They will get motivated to take action and they will feel confident enough that they can complete the task. Passion rubs onto others.
So, how to write with passion to energize your readers and convert them into customers?
Know your prospect and feel the problem

Make a customer avatar for the product that you are writing the copy for. By doing this you can get into the mind of the buyer. You will know what are his buying motivations, what stops him from making a decision, and what do they value most in their life.
For example, if you are selling a car, then your buyer values their status more compared to the looks and the technical specifications of the car. They want to feel powerful, appreciated, or beautiful when they own their car. Talk about it. Also, write like you are talking to your friend.
Put yourselves in their shoes and ask yourself, would you buy it? Are you convinced? You have to feel their minute problems and address how your product can solve those problems.
Make different customer avatars for different age groups. You can even ask them directly, which brings me to the next method to write with passion.
Hangout with your customers

Yes! Literally, if you can of course. It is better if you meet them in person but online is also good.
Join relevant Facebook groups or attend events or meetups related to the product industry.
See, what problems people are complaining about, what questions are they asking. The main aim is to do this to know your customers better. Now you can even tweak your customer avatar and write even better copy.
For example, if you have a product for cyclists, then going on a few rides with cycling groups, being part of their community will help you understand their problems. Also, their passion rubs on you. Like it has on me.
Study the product

Studying the product means finding the loopholes in it, finding the unique selling points of it or what feature of this product is most valuable to your customer. Understand that is your product solving those problems or not?
You can make a list of what changes can be made and suggest it to the product makers.
Besides all this as a copywriter, you must understand how your product can change the way your customer feels and how their status can change in society.
For example, if you are selling a waste picking service you include the following ideas in your copy:
- Feel proud and happy when your waste is picked up Your status in society will change when you are recycling your waste. People will look up to you.
- You do not have to worry because we have door pickup service so now your Sundays are for you.
- You don’t have to come to a location to give your waste.
What ends up happening after you go through all these steps is that you feel empathy towards your customers.
Empathy will bring out the passion in you and you will write with passion.
This is how you write with passion and have a strategy in place so that you can convert readers into customers.
I hope you felt that I was writing with passion in this blog post. Comment below. Read my other blog posts too and see if you can find passion in my writing.
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